5 Days of Code Challenge

5 Days of Code Challenge


2 min read

In other moments of my life, I tried to make challenges to enforce myself to learn code. Didn't work I think because the days were too long; one thing I learned recently about myself is to put me goals I can delivery, start small and then scale to something.

Having said that, I encourage myself to keep practicing languages, english of course and need to improve grammar and quality, the reason I'm choosing english to speak now. With all this in hand, I'll take a 5DaysofCode Challenge, a new small start for myself.

My rules

I have to complete one of these:

  1. Platzi: I'm a platzi student so, I have to advance with at least one of my classes.
  2. Freecodecamp: I finished 2 years ago the responsive web design but javascript...that's not my shit. I felt like I didn't needed but I need it.

My challenge is to complete at least one of these task I put myself, least one, in an ideal world I'd complete both tasks but I know that's not gonna happen. All the following posts will be about this. This is my challenge so I hope I can fullfill.

You can apply if you like small challenges also.