10 Days of Code: Day 1


1 min read

So, today I was watching the Freecodecamp website again and to my surprise, now the site has some courses translated in spanish, which is good for me because is my native language. In order to proceed to the next level of my personal challenge, I'm making now 10 days straight about coding but for this time and having initiated from scratch my last challenge, I decided to make some changes:

  1. Deleted all my efforts so far in FCC and gonna start from scratch. Yes, from HTML till' I finish either the challenge or the sections.
  2. I'm intend to remake my challenges all from zero. I know I have some works made but now all the things going to zero.

So, considering those modifications, today I started the HTML section and see if I can finish.

And no, I'm start to programming yet, I know HTML is no coding language.